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    PDF | Successes of modern physics and consequent technologies have enabled humanity to create our global village.
Pavuna, Davor was born on April 15, in Koprivnica, Croatia. Son of Hrvoje and Stanka (Matasovic) Pavuna. Education Bachelor of Science, University Zagreb, Croatia, Master of Science, University Zagreb, Croatia, Doctor of Philosophy in Physics, University Leeds, England, Career.
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In his very interesting lecture delivered at the University of Osijek, professor Davor Pavuna, Croatian physicist living in Switzerland, describes global trends in the development of Artifical Intelligence. We also provide an interview with Professor Pavuna, published in Croatia by Matematičko-fizički list.
  • Znanstvenik svjetskog glasa prof. dr. sc. Davor Pavuna

  • Davor Pavuna – Wikipedija

  • Dr davor pavuna biography of christopher May 10 brought the very sad news of the death of Jim Simons.
    Dr davor pavuna biography of christopher columbus Two OU researchers have been named Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the world's largest multidisciplinary scientific.
    Dr davor pavuna biography of christopher lee Profile image of Davor Pavuna Davor Pavuna.
    Dr davor pavuna biography of christopher cross In this chapter, I will first give a brief introduction on the history of 2D superconductors as well as experimental technique related.

    Ključ budućnosti napravljen je baš u BiH | Katolički tjednik

    Davor Pavuna rođen je u Koprivnici , a osnovnu školu završio je u Osijeku. Nakon 5. gimnazije u Zagrebu Pavuna je diplomirao fiziku na PMF-u (), te doktorirao u Engleskoj () na temi elektronskih svojstava novih materijala.

      4.03.2024., mr. sc. Arna Šebalj: VELIKI EKSKLUZIVNI INTERVJU ...

    Davor Pavuna (Koprivnica, travnja [1]) hrvatski je fizičar i izumitelj. Osnovnu školu završio je u Osijeku. Maturirao je u V. gimnaziji u Zagrebu godine. Diplomirao je eksperimentalnu fiziku na Prirodoslovno-matematičkom fakultetu u Zagrebu godine.

    Davor Pavuna – Wikipedija

  • Davor received his M. Sc. in Physics at University of Zagreb, Croatia, in and his PhD in Quantum Physics at University of Leeds, UK, in After three years in France, India, Australia and USA, since he has been permanently at the EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland.

  • Prof. dr. sc. Davor Pavuna: Izazovi nano-inženjeringa i ...

    Prof. dr. sc. Davor Pavuna rođen je u Koprivnici, V. gimnaziju završio je u Zagrebu (Maturalna radnja naslova: ‘Nuklearna fuzija i fisija’ ), a nakon Diplome na PMF-u (‘Elektronska svojstva amorfnih ferromagneta’ ), je odletio u svijet.

    Znanstvenik svjetskog glasa prof. dr. sc. Davor Pavuna

    Nakon 5. gimnazije u Zagrebu Pavuna je diplomirao fiziku na PMF-u (), te doktorirao u Engleskoj () na temi elektronskih svojstava novih materijala. Nakon kraćeg boravka u SAD-u, Australiji i Francuskoj, od boravi na Federalnom institutu za tehnologiju u Lausanni (EPFL) u Švicarskoj.

  • Davor Pavuna (born April 15, 1952), Croatian consultant ... Prof. dr. sc. Davor Pavuna: Izazovi nano-inženjeringa i društvene implikacijeInstitute of Physics, s Federal Institute of TechnologyCH Lausan.
  • Davor Pavuna — People - EPFL Steven Chu, Nobel Prize winner and Obama’s energy minister, has named Croatian physicist dr. Davor Pavuna as one of the reviewers of projects at the U.S. Department of Energy. Reviewing projects for the DOE will be an enormous challenge because it will focus on avant-garde research that, among other things, includes new materials, high.
  • Davor Pavuna, Croatian Physicist in Obama’s Science Team ... Poštovani profesore Pavuna, za početak, Hvaljen Isus i Marija! Prof. dr. sc. Davor Pavuna: Aleluja! Na Vijeke Slavljeni! Šebalj: Poštovani profesore Pavuna, dugo Vas nema nigdje u javnosti u Hrvatskoj. Naš zadnji intervju, javno objavljen (od tri ukupno) bio je
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  • AMCA Toronto Online Lecture Series 2020 - Croatian Chamber of ...

      Davor Pavuna's EPFL profile. EPFL SB-DO PH L1 (Bâtiment PH) Station 3 Lausanne.

    U emisija Agape gostovao dr. Davor Pavuna U emisiji Agape, koja se emitira na Radiopostaji MIR Međugorje gostovao je dr. Davor Pavuna. Dr. Pavuna i urednik i voditelj fra Mario Knezović razgovarali su između ostalog o tome hoće li umjetna inteligencija ugroziti svijet?.
  • dr davor pavuna biography of christopher